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Feuilles d'or

to the best version of yourself ...

Spiritual regression hypnosis is a great way to improve our understanding of life, overcome difficulties we are facing and develop one personal fulfillment.  I offer you two types of regression: towards past lives or towards the between-lives .
regression  to past lives:

This type of regression, the details of which you will remember (because you remain aware), involves exploring past life events that influence your present life. These events can prove to be the key to understanding emotional, behavioral or relationship problems that have remained misunderstood until now. You can use this approach if you want to:


  •   Understand certain recurring situations in your current life (for example, why do I tend to approach this kind of person?)

  •   Free you from certain fears or resolve everyday issues (e.g. why do I feel anxious when I have to speak in public?)

  •   Access certain knowledge in order to help you progress as a soul.


This type of hypnosis is for everyone - it is not a “show” hypnosis but a way to connect with your higher consciousness. The goal of this process is to provide you with information, feelings and emotions that will help you progress in your spiritual evolution.  


regression  to between lives:

The between-lifes is the spiritual universe where our soul resides between the incarnations. An exploration of the inter-lifespan can help you:


  • Evolve and grow in consciousness

  • Give meaning to your life, identify the overall purpose of your existence, reconnect with your life mission

  • Reconnect with your spiritual essence and develop new inner resources

  • Feel more at peace with yourself

  • Receive advice related to your life path and the challenges of your present life

  • Facilitate forgiveness of oneself and others

  • Identify your soul family

  • Know the role that certain people play in your life (agreement before incarnation) 

  • Understand the origin of deep and unexplained feelings

  • Communicate with your spirit guides

It is recommended to experience a regression in the past lives before going to a regression in the Between-Lives. 
the course of a session:
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First contact: 

Following your appointment request, we exchange by email to identify your needs and set your goals.

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2 audio trainings: 

You will then receive 2 audio recordings of preparation for your session of regression hypnosis, to be listened to 3 to 5 times before the session. 

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Your session: 

A spiritual regression hypnosis session is quite long, around 2h30. To take full advantage of it, I recommend that you book a half day for yourself.

Spiritual or symbolic regression?

It is impossible to know if this is a true spiritual regression, and that is not the important point.


What matters is what you get out of the experience. Whether you are connected to your spiritual essence or whether it is a symbolic manifestation of  your unconscious, what really matters is that it allows you to evolve.

Tarif : 240 $CA  / séance de 2h30 environ (taxes incluses)
or tax
Hypnosis cannot be practiced on people suffering or having suffered from schizophrenia or psychosis.
Thank you for your understanding!


Depuis 2-3 semaines, on dirait que j'ai perdu un gros poids qui était sur mes épaules: je contrôle ce que je peux contrôler et une certaine clarté et énergie est revenue. Meilleure concentration, intérêt et curiosité vive...comme si la personne que j'ai toujours été revenait. Je dors bien et je sens que je reviens à mes valeurs personnelles, qui me rendent uniques et en accord avec moi-même.


Ce fût une expérience inoubliable avec Laurence. Elle a su m’amener exactement où j’avais besoin d’aller. Plus qu’une séance d’hypnose, elle m’a accompagnée dans une révélation spirituelle inattendue.

Un grand merci du fond du coeur!

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