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HYPNO yoga?

5 séances pour :

apprendre à vivre en harmonie avec soi et avec les autres.

Hypno-Yoga is a technique that I created for people wishing to install a practice of personal development in their daily life. Hypno-yoga is  an innovative approach that combines the techniques and benefits of Hatha Yoga and hypnosis .

Regular Hatha Yoga practice allows you to find  balance and harmony between body and mind. Then the power of concentration develops which leads to "Self-realization."

Sri Ananda in his book Yoga, Harmony of body and mind  writes that "Man then attains his full development".

The various postures gradually return to the practitioner confidence in his body. He will become aware of his possibilities and his blockages. Therefore, as the body evolves, the mind will evolve. By combining hypnosis with Hatha Yoga, I accelerate the process of change towards a more calm and harmonious life.

The teaching of Hypno-Yoga always takes place in 5 stages:


• Mindful breathing

• Warming

• Asanas

• Pranayama and / or Mudras

• Hypnotic suggestions or metaphors

Hypno-Yoga classes are for anyone over the age of 14 wishing to take care of themselves and find inner harmony. The yoga postures taught are beginner's level , so there is no need to have previously practiced yoga or hypnosis to register.

Tarif pour la session de 5 cours du niveau 3 : 245 $  (taxes incluses)

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Member of the National Association of Naturopaths

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Location: Montreal, Outremont

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